Candle Series

This set of candles arose from a series of drawings created using a gridded notebook throughout 2018–2020. After an extensive design exploration process, I decided on three different shapes to cast into wax sculptures/candles:

  • The Twin Flame: Two large masses (each containing a wick)
  • The Handle: A candle with its own handle
  • The Stand: A standing shape which fits in with the curved shape on the Handle
  • Materials: Soy Wax, Hemp Wick, Wax dye (assorted colors)
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The Design Process

Each of the shapes was initially drawn with pen in a gridded notebook. After exploring lots of different shapes and iterations, the shapes were recreated in a matching grid using vector-drawing software. We used 3D modeling software to evaluate the final size, proportions and thicknesses of the candles. After the design itself, we contracted a 3D printer to create silicone-based molds (the inverse of the shape itself) which can be used to cast the final candles.

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The Candlemaking Process

With the silicone molds ready, we used soy wax as the primary vehicle for the candles. We also selected a hemp wick due to the eco-friendly qualities. The wax was melted to the required temperature, mixed with dye, and then hand-poured, one at a time. Each candle takes about 60 hours to harden and cure before it can be de-molded. Inevitably, due to the design itself, some of the Twin Flame candles broke during de-molding.

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